Be part of the solution
People often believe they have no power to make the world better and instead of trying, they choose passive approach to any issues. Everyone has a chance to be part of the solution and to help. No one expects you to defeat global hunger and save all abused and abandoned animals overnight. Everyone can start small, with him/herself and in his/her community. Once you join one of the Love Dogs projects, you become a part of a network working to make the world more humane for all living creatures. Support of animal shelters is one of those of far-reaching importance. Most of the animals are lost, abandoned or abused pets hoping to get a second chance; to dedicate our time and care to them is the least we can do.
Stronger together
Whether you become a volunteer or a member of our logistic support, whether you have a school full of children, or a shelter filled with needy dogs who were once left behind, you can only gain by joining us. Everybody is welcome. We want to work together, to connect and to create productive teams, a safety net for everyone who needs it.
Free activities for kids
Believe it, when we say that a number of elementary school children often cannot participate in any after-school leisure activities. These activities and hobbies go hand in hand with substantial financial expenses and many families are not able to cover it. Love Dogs projects focused on schools and children are an opportunity to gain a hobby even for these kids. We want children to have a chance to assert themselves and to be part of something useful. Helping animal shelters and dogs is fulfilling work. Children learn about caregiving, to work in teams, plan and execute different tasks. They become part of a team and they get to know new environment and friends.
Dog for every family
We certainly do not claim that anyone can get a dog and accept the responsibility. Quite contrary, a real adoption of a four-leg friend brings a huge commitment, mostly to the parents. It is without a question that dogs and animals in general are great asset for kids and for the family as well, though. Through our Pilot program – KidsLoveDogs adoption, we allow children to find their best friend and let them care for him, even though they cannot take him home.
The Power of caregiving
Caregiving is one of the most undervalued activities in our society today. We wish to change that and we want to employ a group of animals in need of great deal of attention and care. Whether we care for our children, parents, a family member suffering from disease, a dog, a cat or any other living creature, it is an important and needed work. We want to teach children to care, to understand that caring for others is no waste of time, it is a necessity. And that caregiving and helping others may become their purpose in life.
Dogs help kids to develop and improve social skills, and can simplify various aspects of emotional development. As children age and take on more of the care for the dog, their confidence is built and they learn responsibility under supervision of adults. Pets themselves will not teach your children responsibility. The main role is always assigned to parents, teachers, adults, those, who spend time with kids the most. Therefore, our project is conceived as a network. Our volunteers, coordinators and friends providing logistic will support children, and dogs will be the perfect vehicle for learning responsibility, empathy and compassion, and for boosting self-confidence.
Dogs as therapy
A bond often develops between dog and child, and pets can fill the role of comforter. It is based on the nature of the relationship – non-judgmental relationship from the dog´s perspective. Dogs and other animals accepts us for who we are, and even a wounded child may be able to trust a dog rather than a man. By caring for their confidant the kids start to trust more and to feel secure again. No wonder dogs are specifically trained e.g. for children with pervasive development disorders, and canistherapy (animal assisted therapy) has become an acknowledged supporting rehabilitation method in many countries. Our friends from shelters, however, do not meet the high standards of canistherapy tests, but they offer love, gratitude and friendship to you anytime. Walking in the park, stroking the dog, the cold nose touch, all of this can lift you up on a gloomy day.
Promotion of schools and animal shelters
Schools and shelters get a great opportunity to join a strong group and to become a member of our project, gaining support, free promotion on our web site including our future events and projects and on social media channels. We want our partners to benefit as much as possible and we welcome ideas, comments and questions that may lead to fruitful constructive discussion and to raising awareness of animal shelters and abused and discarded animals.
Access to information & experience
We wish to offer counselling support and to mediate necessary contacts to all our partners, to connect them and assist them with all activities aiming to better life conditions of dogs and to involve children into our program. We want to incorporate workshops, lectures, readings, and discussions with interesting people from the world of business, culture and politics into our projects.
Find yourself, discover future career
With Love Dogs you will discover knowledge and skills you never knew you had. This does not apply only to volunteers. The opportunity to discover hidden talents are open to children, teachers, even to parents. Sometimes we don´t know what we are capable of until someone gives us opportunity or we simply try to do it. You can learn new things, too, and who knows, perhaps the cooperation with us will lead you to a new career – the one you have always dreamt about – joyful and fulfilling one. Volunteering and being involved in our project will not only look good in your CV, it is also a great experience to capitalize on in the future.
10% of every single purchase of Wolf Nature pet food goes to Love Dogs endowment fund.
Support our activities and contribute to improve living conditions of dogs in animal shelters. Donate to our transparent bank account 2701108996/2010. Every little counts.